

22. Medina, I, Dong, C, Márquez , R, Perez, D.M., Wang, I, Stuart-Fox, D. Anti-predator defenses are linked with high levels of genetic differentiation in frogs. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 291, (2024).

21. Perez D.M., Manica L.T., Medina I. Variation in nest-building behaviour: a multi-species approach. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, 378,20220145 (2023).

20. Klunk, C.L, Fratoni, R.O, Rivadeneira, C.D, Schaedler, L.M, Perez, D.M. Climate and body size have differential roles on melanism evolution across workers in a worldwide ant genus. Oecologia 199(3):579-587. (2022).

19. Medina, I., Perez, D.M., Afonso Silva, A.C., Cally, J., León, C., Mailet, O. & Quintero, I. Nest architecture is linked with ecological success in songbirds. Ecology Letters DOI: 10.1111/ele.13998 (2022).

18. Perez, D.M., Klunk, C. & Araujo, S.B.L. Imperfect synchrony in animal displays: why does it occur and what is the true role of leadership? Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, 376, 20200339 (2021).

17. Harrison, L., Melo, G., Perez, D.M. & Backwell, P.R.Y. Why signal if you are not attractive? Courtship synchrony in a fiddler crab. Behavioral Ecology, arab088 (2021).

16. Perez, D.M., Gardner, J.L. & Medina, I. Climate as an evolutionary driver of nest morphology in birds: a review. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. 8:566018 (2020).

15. Dyson, M.L., Perez, D.M., Curran, T., McCullough, E.L. & Backwell, P.R.Y. The role of claw color in species recognition and mate choice in a fiddler crab. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, v.74:116 (2020).

14. Medina, I., Vega-Trejo, R., Wallenius, T., Esquerré, D., León, C., Perez, D.M. & Head, M. No link between nymph and adult coloration in shield bugs: weak selection by predators. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, v.287 (2020).

13. Perez, D.M. & Backwell, P.R.Y. The functions of multiple visual signals in a fiddler crab. Ethology, v.126, 445-462 (2020).

12. Perez, D.M., Crisigiovanni, E.L., Pie, M.R., Rorato, A.C., Lopes, S.R. & Araujo, S.B.L. Ecology and signal structure drive the evolution of synchronous displays. Evolution, v.74, 434-446 (2020).

11. Perez, D.M. & Backwell, P.R.Y. Male spacing and female choice in a fiddler crab. Behavioral Ecology arz148 (2019).

10. Chou, C-C., Perez, D.M., Johns, S., Gardner, R., Kerr, K., Head, M., Mccullough, E. & Backwell, P.R.Y. Staying cool: the significance of shade availability for tropical ectotherms. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, v.73:106 (2019).

9. Perez, D.M. & Backwell, P.R.Y. Selection for conspicuous signals in a fiddler crab. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, v.73:61 (2019).

8. Bourdiol, J., Chou, C-C., Perez, D.M. & Backwell, P.R.Y. Investigating the role of a mud structure in a fiddler crab: do semidomes have a reproductive function? Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, v.72:141 (2018).

7. Rorato, A.C., Araujo, S.B.L., Perez, D.M. & Pie, M.R. Social cues affect synchronization of male waving displays in a fiddler crab. Animal Behaviour, v. 126, 293-300 (2017)

6. Perez, D.M. & Backwell, P.R.Y. Female preferences for conspecific and heterospecific wave patterns in a fiddler crab. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, v. 486, 155-159 (2017)

5. Perez, D.M. Christy, J.H. & Backwell, P.R.Y. Choosing a mate in a high predation environment: Female preference in the fiddler crab Uca terpischores. Ecology and Evolution, v. 6, 7443-7450 (2016)

4. Perez, D.M., Heatwole, S.J., Morrell, L.J., & Backwell, P.R.Y. Handedness in fiddler crab fights. Animal Behaviour, v. 110, 99–104 (2015)

3. Araujo, S.B.L., Rorato, A.C., Perez, D.M. & Pie, M.R. A spatially explicit model of synchronization in fiddler crab waving displays. Plos One, v. 8, p. 1-11 (2013).

2. Perez, D. M., Rosenberg, M.S., Pie, M.R. The evolution of waving displays in fiddler crabs (Uca spp., Crustacea: Ocypodidae). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, v. 106, p. 307-315 (2012).

1. Perez, D.M., Rebechi, D., Azevedo, K.L., Schreiner, P.G., Mattia, R.C., Slowik, R., Oliveira, O.B. Controversial issues and the argumentation of students of the course of biological sciences. Ensaio: Pesquisa em Educação em Ciências, v. 13, p. 135-150 (2011).